Anyone who has strapped on a new pair of heels or worn their flat shoes for too long knows how much of a nuisance pain in the balls of your feet can be. Sometimes this pain is a deep ache, other times its a burning/shooting feeling and sometimes it feels like you are standing on a pebble.
This type of pain is collectively known as Metatarsalgia. Metatarsalgia is an umbrella term that is used to describe literally hundreds of individual conditions that can affect your forefoot.
What are the causes of metatarsalgia?
Ofcourse it depends on what the specific injury is, that is why it is so important to get the individual injury assessed thoroughly by a Podiatrist. Often the contributing factors are a combination of the following ....
High heels/ poorly fitted shoes
Toe deformities, such as hammer toes and bunions
Poor foot biomechanics
Increase in loads e.g walking the dog more, starting footy training, more spring gardening etc
Having a high arch, short big toe or a second toe longer than the big toe
The podiatrist at Wagga Podiatry Plus are experienced at examining this type of pain and will come to a provisional diagnosis. This could be...
Capsulitis – Inflammation of the joints in the ball of the foot, caused by excess pressure on this area
Plantar plate sprain / tear – An injury to the ligaments that support the joints of the ball of the foot
Neuroma – Inflammation and degeneration in the nerves that run through the balls of the feet. This often causes shooting, burning, stabbing, numbness or radiating pain
Sesamoiditis – Inflammation of the small bones under your big toe joint
Callus and corns – A thickening of skin often found under the ball of the foot, caused by excess pressure in the area.
Stress fracture: Tiny cracks in the bone from repetitive use
What can we do about metatarsalgia?
The most important thing you can do to manage the pain under the balls of your feet is to undergo a proper assessment and management plan by your local podiatrist. We will be able to assess the underlying condition and assure you’re set on a good treatment path. Possible options may include:
Footwear recommendations
Strengthening and stretching exercises
Orthotic therapy
Shockwave therapy
Strapping and taping strategies
Education regarding activity management
There are also some at home remedies you can try to help you get out of pain!
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) – If your pain has only been present for a couple of days, you can try this. Rest and elevate your feet where you can, and utilise ice to decrease your pain and reduce inflammation
Wear shoes you find comfortable
Manage your daily activity – don’t push through pain!
Pain medication – Panadol and Nurofen may help in the short term