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Shockwave Therapy - Not a magic wand, but pretty close to it.
Whilst an intimidating name, shockwave therapy is anything but. It is one of our favourite tools that we use in clinic to help treat...

Footwear Modifications - Thinking outside the (shoe)box
As Podiatrists, we spend a lot of time and energy on modifying biomechanics by changing things inside the shoe via orthotics, padding,...

What's the deal with dry needling??
Dry needling is a fantastic treatment option that our Podiatrists at Wagga Podiatry Plus offer for people suffering from muscle and...

Why do my kid's heels hurt?!
Severs disease is a nasty name for a less nasty but incredibly common problem affecting boys and girls from the ages to 8-14. Sever’s...

Sesamoid pain? Why does my big toe joint hurt?
The sesamoids (little pea shapes bones underneath the big toe joint) lay within the tendon of the flexor hallucis brevis tendon. They...

Why is my foot getting bigger when I'm pregnant ?!
At Wagga Podiatry Plus our podiatrists see a ton of biomechanically related injuries happening to women during and post-pregnancy. It’s...

Kids feet? Huh? Why should they be assessed?
The feet are the foundations of our bodies. Poor footwear choices, alignment issues, muscle imbalances or improper gait patterns can...

Richie Brace - Bringing the Ankle-Foot Orthoses into the 21st Century
The Richie Brace is one of those life-changing interventions that make you realise how much of an impact Podiatry can have on a person's...

Rafa - If you need a podiatrist in wagga, give me a call.
Rafael Nadals win at the french open has been all the more interesting considering the chronic foot injury he has been dealing with. Rafa...

How old is too old - When to replace your running shoes.
A question we often get asked as podiatrists is when should you replace our running shoes. As podiatrists but also as runners ourselves,...

Beware of Moving House!
I had the joy of moving house not long ago and like many people before me, I woke up the next day with a fresh injury. This time it...

Metatarsalgia - Forefoot Pain
Anyone who has strapped on a new pair of heels or worn their flat shoes for too long knows how much of a nuisance pain in the balls of...

Plantar Fasciitis - Heel pain that wont heal
If you’ve ever woken up in the morning with a sharp pain in your heel and turned to Dr Google to find out what is causing it, you have...
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