
Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)
Heel pain is the single most common injury that we treat at Wagga Podiatry Plus.
Heel pain can be caused by many conditions such as heel spurs, baxters nerve impingement, plantar fat pad syndrome, calcaneal stress fractures and soft tissue lesions. These conditions are always taken into account but often the cause is a common condition called plantar fasciitis.

Heel Spurs
A heel spur is an area of extra bony prominence that protrudes from the heel bone (the calcaneus). This extra bony area on the heel can cause no pain or problems at all but can sometimes cause significant pain and injury. Often when this happens it is because the tight band on the underside of the foot, the plantar fascia, is pulling excessively on the heel pain.

Tibialis Posterior Tendon Injury
The tibialis posterior is the muscle that is responsible for maintaining the arch of the foot and resisting the foot/ankle rolling in excessively each time that you put weight on your foot. ts proper functioning is crucial to maintain stability, balance and strength. Because of this important role, it is prone to being overloaded, overworked and is often injured.

Plantar warts, also known as plantar verrucae, are lesions that occur on the bottom of the foot. These types of lesions can occur all over the body however are only known as plantar warts when on the bottom of the foot. They can occur on their own or in clusters and if the hard skin on the outside of the wart grows too thick over the lesion without treatment they can be extremely painful.